The Interim Framework for Managing People with Infectious Diseases Who Place Others at Risk of Infection in Tasmania is to be read in conjunction with the National Guidelines for Managing HIV Transmission Risk Behaviours 2018.
The Interim Framework outlines 3 levels of intervention:
- Level 1 – education and support: involves the continued management (e.g. counselling, treatment and support) of the person by the person’s usual healthcare provider(s) and helps them connect with healthcare professionals and/or support services
- Level 2 – convening the POAR (person putting others at risk) advisory panel to consider the case and advise the director of public health of those strategies or directions it considers appropriate to manage the POAR behaviour
- Level 3 – referral to Tasmania Police of matters that relate to an offence or suspected offence under public health or other laws may be made at any stage of management under this policy.